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    Admission and Degree Requirements


    Admission Requirements to ME Program

    Applicants must satisfy QU defined College and Program requirements including the minimum high school percentage requirement.

    Detailed Undergraduate admission requirements are available here

    Students must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a major including the need to declare the major before completing 36 undergraduate credit hours.

    Degree Requirements (Curriculum)

    A minimum of 131 credit hours are required to complete the major in Industrial and Systems Engineering, including the following:

    • A minimum of 33 credit hours in core curriculum requirements
    • A minimum of 30 credit hours of college requirements
    • A minimum of 57 credit hours of major requirements
    • A minimum of 9 credit hours of major electives
    • A minimum of 2 credit hours in free electives

    Curriculum Requirements in Detail

         Core Curriculum Requirements (33 CH)

     Identity and Communication Package (15 CH)

    • ARAB 100 Arabic Language I
    • ENGL 202 English Language I Post Foundation
    • ENGL 203 English Language II Post Foundation
    • DAWA 111 Islamic Culture
    • HIST 121 History of Qatar

     Social/Behavioral Sciences Package (3 CH)

    • Any Course in the CCP defined social package

      Natural Science/Mathematics Package (3 CH)

    • MATH 101 Calculus I

     Supplemental College / Program Core Requirements Package (12 CH)

    • PHYS 191 General Physics for Engineering I
    • PHYS 192 Experimental General Physics for Engineering I
    • PHYS 193 General Physics for Engineering II
    • PHYS 194 Experimental General Physics for Engineering II
    • CHEM 101 General Chemistry I
    • CHEM 103 Experimental General Chemistry I


        College Requirements (30 CH)

    • MATH 102 Calculus II
    • MATH 211 Calculus III
    • MATH 217 Mathematics for Engineers
    • GENG 106 Computer Programming
    • GENG 107 Engineering Skills and Ethics
    • GENG 111 Engineering Graphics
    • MATH 231 Linear Algebra
    • GENG 200 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
    • GENG 300 Numerical Methods
    • GENG 360 Engineering Economics
    • ELEC 201 Electric Circuits


        Major Requirements (57 CH)

    • MECH 222 Engineering Mechanics II, Dynamics
    • GENG 231 Material Science
    • MATH 231 Linear Algebra
    • MECH 213 Engineering Measurements
    • MECH 223 Solid Mechanics
    • MECH 230 Manufacturing Processes
    • MECH 241 Thermofluids
    • MECH 321 Mechanical Mechanisms
    • MECH 322 Mechanical Vibrations
    • MECH 323 Mechanical Design I
    • MECH 342 Thermodynamics
    • MECH 343 Fluid Mechanics
    • MECH 344 Heat Transfer
    • MECH 361 Control Systems
    • MECH 399 Practical Training
    • MECH 421 Mechanical Design II
    • MECH 441 Energy Systems Laboratory
    • MECH 448 Design of Energy Systems
    • MECH 480 Senior Project I
    • MECH 490 Senior Project II

          Major Electives (9 CH)

    • MECH 331 Machining and Forming Processes
    • MECH 425 Finite Element Method
    • MECH 426 Computer Aided Design
    • MECH 427 Mechanics of Composite Materials
    • MECH 431 Failure Analysis
    • MECH 432 Welding and Casting Technologies
    • MECH 433 Modern Machining Techniques
    • MECH 435 Corrosion Engineering
    • MECH 442 Refrigeration and Air conditioning
    • MECH 443 Heat Transfer Systems
    • MECH 445 Fluid Systems
    • MECH 446 Turbo Machinery
    • MECH 447 Heat Engines
    • MECH 463 Mechatronics System Design
    • MECH 464 Introduction to Robotics
    • MECH 471 Selected Topics I
    • MECH 472 Selected Topics II
    • MECH 483 Operations Management
    • MECH 485 Engineering Management
    • MECH 486 Quality Analysis and Control

        Free Electives (2 CH)

    • Students must complete a minimum of 2 credit hours from courses outside the College offering, excluding MATH P100 course.